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What do announcements mean?

[1]The PSA in its current form was in many ways shaped by theAd Council(initially called the War Advertising Council) during and after World War II.[2]The Ad Council made its mark by implementing on a massive scale the idea of using...

4 over 3 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy
What is an announcement?

Statementmade formally and publicly to thepressfor massdistribution. Announcements can be made inresponseto something such as rumors, or can be made for positive reasons such as the introduction of a newproductorpractice. For example, acompanyin thebusinessofmanufacturingcomputersmay unexpectedly make an announcement about a...

1 almost 12 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy

Feature Requests

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What is a feature request?

You have an idea and want to implement it. You think it should have been in the project by design, but forgot to include it in the project description prior to being given a price. If it was not present...

1 almost 12 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy
Forget Feature Requests

Customers want everything under the sun. They'll avalanche you with feature requests. Just check out our productforums; The feature request category always trumps the others by a wide margin.We'll hear about "this little extra feature" or "this can't be hard"...

1 almost 12 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy

Tips and Tricks

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How to tip at a restaurant?

Determine the "tippable" total.Tipping is not quite obligatory in North America. However, because the waitstaff are often paid fairly low wages, it is the customary practice. In many other countries with stiff minimum wage requirements, particularly the UK, Australia, and...

2 almost 12 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy
What are tips?

tips3rd person singular present, plural oftipNounThe pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering.A place where trash is deposited; a dump.A sum of money given to someone as a way of rewarding them for their services.VerbAttach to...

1 almost 12 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy

Report a problem

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What is a problem?

Aproblemis an obstacle, impediment, difficulty or challenge, or any situation that invitesresolution; the resolution of which is recognized as a solution or contribution toward a knownpurposeor goal. A problem implies a desired outcome coupled with an apparent deficiency,doubtor inconsistency that...

2 over 3 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy
What are the types of problems?

Mathematical problemis a question about mathematical objects and structures that may require a distinct answer or explanation orproof. Examples includeword problemsat school levelInsociety, a problem can refer to particularsocial issues, which if solved would yield social benefits, such as increased...

1 almost 12 years ago
by Ramesh Ganapathy