What font works?

Modified on: 2014-09-02 02:17:22 +0530

You need to pick and set fonts well. Let's cover some simple rules:

Be picky with fonts. Not all fonts are created equal. Compare:

The best fonts tend to cost money. There's a reason for that. However, even with no budget you can do an awful lot with Helvetica or even - ulp - Arial (don't tell any designers I said that). Most of my Quora posts use Helvetica Neue.

Don't mix more than 1-2 different fonts. You can add variety with different weights (e.g. bold, light) of the same font, like this:

Mix too many fonts or sizes and you end up with a ransom note:

Experiment with spacing between letters and lines (tracking and line height). The exact same font can be made to look very different:

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